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Dumbledore is the greatest wizard. When he was young, he was ambitious, full of enthusiasm and courage. He was a textbook Gryffindor. After years of precipitation, maybe he became calmer, but still humorous.


Minerva mcgonagall sorting hat hesitated for a long time between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Finally, her bravery showed that Gryffindor was definitely the right choice for her. Whenever Gryffindor wins the Quidditch competition, she always jumps for joy.


Ravenclaw's dean is Head of Ravenclaw is Filius Flitwick. In the whole series, he seldom appears, we only know that he teaches magic lessons. In fact, he was one of the smartest professors, and he was a dueling master when he was young.


Professor Sprout teaches herbal medicine. He is the dean of Hufflepuff. He is an optimistic, just and compassionate person who always cares and encourages Neville. When the Philosopher's Stone was hidden in Hogwarts, Dumbledore asked some teachers to protect it, including Professor Sprout's Devil's Net.


Snape is Slytherin, of course. It turns out that he was one of the greatest wizards of that era. Slytherin is resourceful and ambitious, but that doesn't mean their character is not good.


The most annoying character, Dolores Umbridge, was hated by the audience when she first appeared in The Order of the Phoenix. She is a Slytherin, cruel, eager for power distortion, and strongly prejudiced against muggles. She represents almost all the dark side of Slytherin.

最惹人烦的角色多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇在《凤凰社》中第一次出场就遭到了观众的讨厌。 她是斯莱特林学院的,残忍,对权力扭曲的渴望,对麻瓜有强烈的偏见,她几乎是斯莱特林所有阴暗面的代表。

Because of defence against the dark arts's curse, remus lupin only worked as a teacher at Hogwarts for one year. He is a Gryffindor. When he was young, he spent a lot of time with his predator friends. He is a gentle teacher at ordinary times, and he is brave when facing the enemy.


Horace Lagerhorn is Slytherin, and he disdains people who he thinks are not worth his time. He is eager to accept Harry as his student because of his fame. Harry's mother is also one of his proudest students, which shows that although he is Slytherin, he has no prejudice against muggles.


Sybill Trelawney is Ravenclaw. At first glance, it seems surprising, because she is not particularly interested in traditional knowledge. However, like Luna Lovegood, Professor Trelawney is another typical example of Ravenclaw: unique, eccentric and immersed in his own world.





标签:哈利波特 格兰芬多 斯内普 horace 巫师 dolores 西比尔·特里劳妮 斯莱特林 course 斯普劳特


